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Rose Street 

Primary School

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Rose Street 

Primary School


In English we love to read books and write our own stories. For more detail of how and what we learn please look at the information and documents below.


Assessment for learning (AFL) is completed using Accelerated Reader and Star Reader- this obtains levels and moderate progress. Further AFL is completed by teachers/ TA’s on a one to one basis.


Guided Reading:

Whole class guided reading focus is implemented daily from Year 2 onwards for around twenty minutes and focuses on the skills required to be a successful reader. The children focus on a skill a day VIPERS (Vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve and summarise). Year 1 and EYFS have daily small group reading sessions based on their phonic levels, the sessions include: decoding, prosody

and comprehension.


Reading for pleasure:

Children are encouraged to read for pleasure and this is captured using incentives which are personable to each class, such as: reading raffles. As a school, we have also purchased a shed ‘The Book Swap Shed’ which is located on the main playground. Children have the opportunity to bring a book in from home and swap it with a different book. This is a free way for children to access more reading material and enjoy reading a range of texts. At Rose Street we ensure that our children have multiple opportunities to explore literature throughout the school day and all classes select texts to read for pleasure. In addition to this, we have a great relationship with our local library and the majority of our children are now registered there. Classes in Year 1 – Year 6 attend sessions at the library in Term 2, Term 4 and Term 6 to promote reading for pleasure. We also offer Reading Cafes each term for parents to attend with their children which gives parents and children an opportunity to sample a range of books in a calming environment.



It is crucial for children to develop a life-long love of reading. Reading consists of two dimensions: language comprehension and word reading. Language comprehension (necessary for both reading and writing) starts from birth. It only develops when adults talk with children about the world around them and the books (stories and non-fiction) they read with them, and enjoy rhymes, poems and songs together. Skilled word reading, taught later, involves both the speedy working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words. Writing involves transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech, before writing).


Phonics and Early Reading:

At Rose Street Primary school, we believe that all children should have an equal opportunity to become confident, fluent readers and writers. In order to support this, we are using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised programme. This is a DfE validated SSP (systematic synthetic phonics scheme) with clear expectations that provide clear progression throughout EYFS to KS1. Alongside these we are using phonetically decodable books for the children to enhance their phonics skills at home, as well as at school. These decodable books will also be used throughout reading sessions in order to enrich their comprehension, prosody and fluency skills.

Embedded in the programme are 6 weekly assessment tasks which will allow teachers to identify any children who need further support.

Phonics is taught every day in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The rest of the school will continue to use the programme accordingly to suit children’s needs.

All teaching staff have received training on the scheme in order to provide high quality phonics sessions, they also use physical and online resources in order to promote active engagement.


Writing (EYFS and Year 1):

EYFS and Year 1 follow ‘The Drawing Club’ scheme by Greg Bottrill. This approach is based around a weekly book which is at the centre of each session. The beginning session focuses on vocabulary and helps broaden the children’s vocabulary by associating actions with the words to embed them. The first two days involve reading the story so the children become more familiar with the events and themes. The daily activities will consist of modelled work, by the teacher, that include ‘passwords’ and ‘passcodes’ which encourage the children to use their imagination - as these words and codes bring their characters to life. After this has been modelled, the children are then organised into groups of six and complete the task creating their own password and passcode (with adult support) which encompasses literacy, mark-making, mathematical and oracy skills. The last three sessions of the week also focus on verbal questioning to practice different reading skills such as inference and retrieval.


Writing (Year 2 – Year 6):

 Children complete a number of extended pieces of writing in their books each term which can be a combination of Power of Reading and Pathways to Write. Teachers also have the freedom to include additional writing units, if time allows. When staff plan their own unit, they MUST ensure that the same curriculum aims are covered to ensure consistency. Instead of a Green Big Write folder, children will draft and write to a high-standard in their English books. At the end of the term, children will select their favourite piece of writing to write up on special paper as a ‘WOW’ write which will then be stuck into their blue English book.


Each unit covers a range of areas in the national curriculum:

  • Mastery of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation skills

  • Writing a range of genres across a year

  • Vocabulary development

  • Using a wider range of reading comprehension strategies as a whole class

  • Spoken language activities including drama and presentations

  • Opportunities for practising previously taught genres

  • An extended, independent piece of writing


This process follows three stages:


The Gateway (1-2 lessons)

  • Begin at the Gateway with a ‘hook’ session to intrigue and enthuse young writers

  • Use objects, people, images or role-play to stimulate questions about the chosen text

  • Give pupils the opportunity to predict the text

  • Establish the purpose and audience of the writing

  • Revisit previous mastery skills and ongoing skills


The Pathway (10 lessons)

  • Introduce pupils to three new writing skills from their year group curriculum

  • Provide opportunities to practise and apply the skill they have learnt through short and extended writing tasks including character descriptions, poetry, dialogue between characters, fact files or diary entries in role

  • Provide opportunities to re-cap and apply previously taught skills

  • Challenge greater depth writers through a wider range of tasks e.g. changes to form, viewpoint and audience


Writeaway (4 lessons)

  • Section and sequence texts independently or collaboratively

  • Create extended pieces of writing over time

  • Opportunity to apply mastery skills

  • Time for planning, writing, checking, editing, redrafting and publishing

  • A fiction or non-fiction outcome will be written (covering a wide range of genres and themes over the year)



Children from Year 3 onwards to use Spelling Shed Scheme in one 20 minute session a week (in place of a Guided Reading slot). This is then extended in their English lessons through their Super SPaG to ensure these spellings are being embedded in their learning. Spelling tests to be completed weekly in blue spelling books and the spelling lesson will introduce the word list for the coming week.


EYFS and KS1 use Little Wandle to learn sounds and tricky words which can then be implemented into their writing. Year 2 will be using a Little Wandle spelling scheme “Bridge to Spelling”.



Year 1 and YR: Handwriting to be printed.

Year 2: Pre-cursive.

Year 3: Beginning to transition to cursive.

Year 4–6: Cursive


Handwriting needs to be practised daily with extremely high expectations which are then evidenced in ALL work books. This can be practised in handwriting books or on worksheets, depending on the context of the handwriting session.


Pen Licences:

Children to be awarded a pen licence when consistently and correctly joining their handwriting. Teacher discretion but would expect at least 3-5 pieces of work in a row before awarding a pen licence. Children are aware that these can also be taken away but earnt again. Pen licences need to be approved by Miss Carter (English Lead) so a certificate can be organised and handed out in  celebration assemblies.


