At Rose Street we believe that children should have an equal opportunity to become confident, fluent readers and writers. We would like them to have a positive attitude towards reading and access a wide range of genres (non-fiction, fiction, poetry, plays etc). We also would like them to be able to interpret the books and understand them on a deeper level, using comprehension skills they have learnt in their reading sessions.
In order to support this, we have embedded the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised programme (systematic synthetic phonics scheme) with clear expectations that provide clear progression, ensuring daily lessons and reading sessions throughout EYFS to KS1. Alongside these, we are using phonetically decodable books to enhance their phonics skills at home as well as at school. Little Wandle then feeds slowly into a spelling scheme in year 2, (bridge to spelling).
We also provide opportunities for those who need further support in year 3-6 with the use of the rapid catch up scheme.
We measure impact of the scheme by ensuring 6 weekly assessments in order to provide gap analysis and those who are needing additional support and to plan the keep up support they need. For rapid catch up, the children have end of phase assessments (4 weekly) to ensure progress and attainment, ensuring they are in a suitable grouping and are working at the correct level.
In June, children in year 1 sit the statutory phonics screening check, and any child who has not passed in year 2 will also re-sit to see the progress made.