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Rose Street 

Primary School

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Rose Street 

Primary School

Physical Education

PE is fun, both inside and outside. We enjoy learning to play sports as well as other activities like gymnastics and dance.

Within the PE curriculum at the Sheerness West Federation we look to develop each individual child’s skills which can be used and transferred to all aspects of their life. Social, Cognitive and Physical skills build together our foundations of our PE curriculum. Social skills such as cooperation, communication and collaboration will be key focuses within our PE lessons along with cognitive skills such as confidence, understanding and applying and resilience. The more obvious skills regarding the Physical will be demonstrations of motor skills through performance and competition.


We also have opportunities for children to develop, explore and share their creativity through all aspects of physical education for example; through designing their own dance and gymnastic sequences. Skills in working collaboratively are achieved in improvisation within group tasks and through team sports both within the lesson and within our school representative teams in the wider community. We have a swimming program in place within SWF to ensure as many children as possible achieve their 25m across the year groups. We also provide cycling proficiency as part of our curriculum coverage which is delivered by our qualified PE team.


Here at SWF we promote healthy competition across the school and encourage and support when others prosper, which results in good sportsmanship. We also encourage healthy competition not only against others within SWF or other local schools but also against oneself and implement a personal best competition every term. This allows for such skills as resilience and perseverance to prosper, which again can transfer into all aspects of schooling and life outside of school.


Our staff within SWF effectively differentiate to enable all children to excel no matter what their sporting capabilities are. It allows them to discover their own gifts and talents across the Physical Education curriculum.


Children at SWF receive two hours of PE (1 indoor and 1 outdoor) and the option to attend a variety of after school sports clubs throughout the week, 1 hour of this is taught by the specialist PE team, who work across the federation, providing a high quality curriculum for all children.


We are delighted to announce that as a federation we have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year.  The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.


We have had many sporting achievements this year including, six federated whole school sports days, two boys and two girls football teams entering and playing a full season in the regional football leagues and the year concluded with West Minster girls football team winning the shield title at Sheppey United Football Club!


With a many of our young people in the federation competing in intra and inter-school competitions this year, we are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible.


As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.


This is the 3rd Year in a row we have won this award and the 6th time overall and we are extremely proud that our schools have received this certification again.

PE Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
